
Glute Stretch:

1. Sit down on the floor and have both feet extended in front of you

2. Bend one knee and cross it over your other leg while pulling the bending leg towards your body

3. Pull the leg to your body as close as possible

4. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and switch legs

Lying Hamstring Stretch:

1. Sit down and have both extended in front of you

2. Bend forward and reach for your toes (try to reach as far as possible)

3. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds (if too difficult to do both, do one leg at a time)

Standing Hamstring Stretch: 

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

2. Pull your leg towards your torso while staying upright; have your leg bent fully and pull it at the shin area of your leg

3. Balance on one leg and hold the stretch for 20 seconds, then switch legs

Lying Quad Stretch:

1. Lay down on your back 

2. Sit on one leg while laying on your back and have the other leg in front of you

3. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and switch legs

Standing Quad Stretch:

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

2. Bring one leg up and pull it backwards by the ankle, while trying to make your foot touch your glutes

3. Balance on one leg and hold the stretch for 30 seconds, then switch legs

Butterfly Stretch:

1. Sit down and have knees bent, both soles of your feet touching each other and create a diamond shape

2. Hold your feet and bring them as close as possible to your body 

3. Try to push your legs down to increase the intensity of the stretch and bend forward if possible

4. Hold for 20 seconds

Calf Stretch:

1. Find a wall and place one leg in front of the other

2. Bend the front leg while keeping the back leg straight and try to touch the wall with your bent leg

3. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and switch legs