Lat Pulldown
The Lat Pull-down machine is an extremely fundamental machine that mainly targets the latissimus dorsi (lats) and causes the muscle to grow. Lats are one of the most important muscles that form the back and should definitely not be neglected when training your back.
How to Set Up:
1. Pick any attachment to add to the cable of the machine (wide flat curved bar is recommended, but others could be used as well - depends on personal preference)
2. Add a moderate-weight to the machine
3. Sit down on the seat and keep back straight while pushing feet into the floor
4. Adjust the leg stabilizer to push against your legs to stabilize them during the exercise.
How to Do:
1. Slightly stand up to reach for the bar and pull it down until your arms are fully extended while seated
2. Keep back straight and slightly lean back to create an arch
3. Pull the bar towards your chest while elbows are pointing downwards and squeeze your lats together (control the movement, do not use momentum)
4. Wait 1-2 seconds when the bar is at your chest
5. Slowly let the bar go back up by extending your arms and back to its starting position with your arms fully extended
*Recommended to do 4 sets of 15 reps with a moderate-heavy weight to really force growth in the lat muscle
1-2 minutes rest between sets
Cable Row
The cable row machine is another machine that targets the lat muscles but does somewhat target the upper back as well. This machine adds a lot of tension and resistance, which is what would really help the back muscles grow bigger and stronger.
How to Set Up:
1. Attach a prime grip to the cable row machine (Picture of attachment is shown below)
2. Add a moderate weight to the machine
3. Sit down on the seat and place your legs onto the platform (have legs somewhat bent)
4. Lean forward bending your back and grab the prime grip handle to be in the starting position