Bicep Curl (Dumbbells)
The bicep curl is a necessary exercise to build stronger and bigger biceps. This exercise can be performed with different equipments, but dumbbells are best because reps can be performed with more control and also helps prevent muscle imbalances.
How to Set Up:
1. Choose a desirable amount of weight
2. Stand straight with back straight and legs hip-width to shoulder-width apart.
3. Start with dumbbells beside your body.
4. Keep shoulders down.
How to Do:
1. Curl the dumbbells upwards in front of your body and rotate your wrists outwards while doing so.
2. Aim to bring the dumbbell to shoulder height (full rep)
3. Hold at shoulder height for 1 second.
4. Slowly lower the dumbbell by extending your arm and still maintaining tension in the bicep.
*Recommended to do 3 sets of 10–15 reps with a moderate weight (too heavy can cause bicep tear)
1-2 minutes rest between sets
Bayesian Curls
The bayesian curl is a bicep exercise that involves using the cable machine. It is an exercise that works the long head of the bicep. The long head is the outer muscle of the bicep which creates a higher peak making the bicep appear bigger.
How to Set Up:
1. Attach two single hand cable attachments on both sides
2. Adjust the cables to either shoulder height or foot height
3. Hold the handles and step slightly forward with one leg in front of the other
4. Make sure that your arms are fully extended behind your body
5. Keep your back straight and engage your legs to maintain balance
How to Do:
1. Curl both handles upwards towards your shoulder while still keeping your elbows behind your body.
2. Feel the squeeze at the top of the exercise
3. Slowly bring the handles back down to increase the tension and stretch felt in the bicep.
*Recommended 3 sets of 10–12 reps with a moderate weight, as this can overstretch your bicep and cause a tear.
1-2 minutes rest between sets
Hammer Curls
The hammer curl exercise is an exercise that targets the forearm and brachialis muscle of the bicep. The brachialis muscle is the muscle next to the long head of the bicep. It is a small muscle but is one of the most important bicep muscle for bicep width and is very often neglected when exercising. This exercise helps build the brachialis muscle and improve the overall arm strength.
How to Set Up:
1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a sideways grip.
2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while keeping your shoulders relaxed and your back straight.
3. Start with your arms extending, holding dumbbells on either side of your body.
How to Do:
1. Bring the dumbbells towards your shoulder while having a sideways grip on the dumbbells.
2. Elbows must be locked in place and the forearm must bend/extend only.
3. Hold for 1 second at the top to increase tension
4. Slowly lower the dumbbells to their starting position.