Static Stretching with Vybe

Welcome to Vybe's Static Stretching Programs page. Here, we provide Static Stretching. Learn more about the benefits of static stretches and how they can enhance your sports performance.

What are Static Stretches?

Static stretches are when you hold a stretch for a certain amount of time and improve flexibility.  These stretches help relax and loosen up the muscles, preventing them from tightening up or cramping. Relaxed muscles can make an athlete perform better in his/her chosen sport.  Static stretches improve flexibility, which is beneficial and can lead to less frequent injuries occurring. 

When to do Static Stretches?

Static stretches are best done after a workout or a physical activity.  This is best because the muscles have become tightened up and must be loosened to allow for a smoother muscle recovery to occur. Static Stretches can help improve sleep, make someone feel less tired, and can rid pain because of tight muscles.