
Overhead Triceps Stretch:

1. Place one arm behind your head in a bent position

2. Push down on your elbow to feel the stretch in your tricep

3. Hold for 20 seconds and switch sides

Wall Bicep Stretch:

1. Extend an arm to the side of your body and turn it, so palm is facing upwards

2. Push your hand against the wall with fingers facing downwards (if too hard, place fingertips)

(Optional) try to turn away from your arm while keeping it at shoulder height

3. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides

Shoulder Stretch:

1. Fully extend one arm in front of you

2. Bend your other arm around the extended arm and pull it across your body

3. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides

Forearm Stretch:

1. Fully extend one arm in front of you and have your palm facing up

2. Use your other hand to push the fingers of your extended arm down, causing the wrist to bend down

3. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, focus on the feeling it in your forearm, and then switch sides

Wall Wrist Stretch:

1. Fully extend one arm in front of you and have your palm facing down

2. place the back of your hand against the wall and have your fingers pointing down

3. Keep your arm and hand flat against the wall; slowly move down with your body until you feel a stretch

4. Hold for 15–20 seconds and switch sides