Leg Press

The leg press machine is an amazing machine for building all muscles in the legs (mainly quadriceps). This includes: the quadriceps muscles (front of the thighs), the glute muscles (the back - buttocks), the hamstring muscles (back of the thighs) and the calves. 

How to Set Up:

1. Add the desired weight to be able to comfortable rep. 

2. Sit down on the chair and adjust the chair to increase comfort. 

3. Place your back flat against the chair to decrease injury risk. 

4. Start with legs in a bent position and shoulder-width or hip-width apart. 

5. When ready, release handles on the side to let the platform come down and cause the legs to bend. 


How to Do:

1. Push the platform outwards with your whole foot. 

2. Do not lock the knees as a heavier weight can cause the knees to hyperextend or buckle. 

3. Slowly let the platform come back down while knees are brought back to the body. Create somewhat of a resistance to create more efficient muscle growth. 

4. Repeat this for a certain number of sets and reps. 

5. When done, push the platform outwards and put handles back in place to secure the platform. 


*Recommended to do 3 sets of 10–15 reps

1-2 minutes rest between sets

Hack Squat

The Hack Squat is another great machine that primarily targets the quadriceps and other leg muscles (hamstrings and calves). This exercises can be performed using a hack squat machine as seen in the video. 


How to Set Up:

1. Add desired weight to the machine.

2. Step into the machine, and place feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Place shoulders under the pads to support your body and lean against the support with your back.

4. Keep body straight.


How to Do:

1. Slowly push yourself upwards and remove the safety handles that hold the hack squat machine. 

2. Slowly lower yourself by bending your knees and keep your back straight against the support. 

3. Go all the way down to make the exercise feel more intense. 

4. Push through heels and the ball of your feet to bring yourself back up to your starting position. 


*Recommended to do 3 sets of 10–15 reps

1-2 minutes rest between sets